Community health workers are responsible for educating community members on a variety of health issues and available community programs. They work as a liaison between health organizations and the general public to provide relevant information and guide individuals towards a better understanding of health issues.

These professionals respond to their clients' specific needs and questions, presenting materials and health concepts in a way that community members can easily understand.

Community Health Worker Tasks

  • Collaborate with other professionals to evaluate patients' medical or physical condition and to assess client needs.
  • Refer patient, client, or family to community resources to assist in recovery from illness and to provide access to services such as financial assistance, legal aid, housing, job placement or education.
  • Provide psychosocial support needed to cope with chronic, acute, or terminal illnesses. ,
  •  Looking after pregnant women and caring for children.
  • Additional duties may involve family planning
  • Promotion of sanitation and hygiene an screening for communicable diseases
  • Performing health education activities
  •  Maintaining records and providing health care referrals

Educational Requirements

Senior Certificate or any equivalent

What Natural Skills and/or Aptitudes Do I Need For This Occupation?

  • Enjoys working with different kinds of people
  • Have a desire to serve others and help them to live fuller lives
  • Be sympathetic but objective
  • Be reliable and resourceful
  • Be even-tempered, tolerant and mature
  • Inspires confidence in others
  • Have a good understanding of human nature
  • Have above average intelligence and verbal abilities
  • Have good health and physical stamina

Possible Employers

  • Hospitals
  • Medical Offices
  • Retail Health care
  • Hospice
  • Nursing Homes and care facilities