Course Requirements
Course offerings are subject to change. The College reserves the right to only offer courses that are justified by student numbers. The College reserves the right to move a programme/course offering to other campuses without prior notification.
Entry Requirements
- You must have a Grade 12 with Maths and Science or equivalent qualification to start N1.
Promotional Requirements
- You must pass a minimum of three subjects to be promoted to the next level.
Pass Requirements
- The pass requirement is a minimum of 40% per subject.
Certification Requirements
- You must pass four subjects at a level to be certified.
N4 Certificate
- Clothing Construction
- Pattern Construction
- Fashion Drawing
- Introductory Computer Practice
N5 Certificate
- Clothing Construction
- Pattern Construction
- Fashion Drawing
- Entrepreneurship & Business Management
N6 Certificate
- Clothing Construction
- Pattern Construction
- Fashion Drawing
- Computer Practice