A Social Worker helps people of all ages to cope with the problems caused by poverty, unemployment, illness, antisocial behaviour and other social inadequacies.
Typical Job Activities
- The social worker practices in the fields of:
- child and family welfare
- marriage and divorce counselling
- care of the elderly
- medical social work
- psychiatric social work
- social work with the mentally or physically disabled
- social work with alcoholics and drug dependents
- social work with criminal offenders
- social work in the workplace or school
- The social worker uses various working methods, often in combination:
- Case work: The case worker sets up a one-to-one relationship with individuals, visiting them to give personal assistance and encouragement.
- Group work: A group worker organises group activities for people sharing similar problems, interests and needs e.g. the organisation of recreational activities for the elderly.
- Community work: This social worker identifies needs in the community and helps to plan and develop health, housing, rehabilitation and other welfare services.
Related Occupations
- Family planning community worker
- Sociologist
- Social auxiliary worker
- Nursing auxiliary
Educational Requirements
- Senior Certificate with matric exemption
- Any Appropriate degrees or Diploma.
- The practicing social worker must register with the South African Interim Council for Social Work.
What natural skills and/or aptitudes do I need for this occupation?
- Enjoys working with different kinds of people
- Have a desire to serve others and help them to live fuller lives
- Be sympathetic but objective
- Be reliable and resourceful
- Be even-tempered, tolerant and mature
- Inspires confidence in others
- Have a good understanding of human nature
- Have above average intelligence and verbal abilities
- Have good health and physical stamina
Possible Employers
- Government departments and provincial and local administrators
- National Council for the Care of Physically Disabled Persons in SA
- National Council for the Care of Physically Disabled Persons in SA
- South African Family and Marriage Society (FAMSA)
- Provincial hospitals
- South African National Council regarding Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
- South African National Council for Child and Family Welfare
- Medium or small companies