Career Videos
Mechanical engineering N1 to N3 caters for students interested in becoming a Motor/Diesel Mechanic or Fitter and Turner or serves as an entry level if you want to do your National N-Diploma. Once you have completed your N1-N3 you can enrol for the N4-N6 certificates. Upon completion of your N4-N6 studies, you must complete 2 years practical experience in your related field in order to qualify.
Career Options
What qualification will I obtain once I’ve completed this course?
Depending on the necessary practical experience/ programme specific training, the following opportunities are available for Mechanical Engineering students:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgical Engineering
- Fitting/ Fitting and Machining
- Fitting & Turning
- Mining
- Assembly Plants
- Construction
- Welding
- Tool Making
- Hydraulics
- Air Conditioning
- Motor Industry
- Draughtsmen (with additional subjects)
- Diesel Mechanic
In which industries will I be able to work?
- Aerospace industry
- Manufacturing industry
- Mining industry
- Packaging industry
- Motor vehicle maintenance and manufacturing
- Petrol and chemical industry
- Printing industry
What could I do to further improve my skills and my chances of furthering my career?
Your N6 Certificate will equip you to be indentured (sign a contract) as an apprentice and work at any organisation within the industry that requires artisans within the engineering sector. You will be able to work towards promotion within your career by working within your field of study and gaining experience within the industry. As with any other career, you would need to work very hard to prove your skills and abilities, be dedicated and be prepared to continue learning throughout your career.
Once you’ve completed your N6 Certificate, you should work towards obtaining your National N-Diploma. Students will qualify for the N-Diploma when they have completed at least two years of practical work experience in the field of study. Students who wish to further their academic qualifications may apply to any other institution of Higher Education, such as a University of Technology to further continue their studies in the Engineering field.
Programme Structure
Fitting and Turning/Motor Mechanics
- Mathematics
- Engineering Science
- Fitting & Machining
- Motor trade theory
- Engineering Drawing
- Mathematics
- Engineering Science
- Engineering Drawing
- Motor & Diesel or
- Fitting & Turning
- Mathematics
- Engineering Science
- Engineering Drawing
- Motor & Diesel
- Mechanotechnology
- Mathematics
- Engineering Science
- Mechanotechnics
- Mechanical Draughting
- Mathematics
- Power Machines
- Fluid Mechanics
- Mechanotechnics
- Mathematics
- Power Machines
- Fluid Mechanics
- Mechanotechnics